…I knew it!



Some time ago, when my fandom of our dear Basil Rathbone had just started, my brother, who was taking some sort of religion class in college, showed me THIS in his one textbook.(Saint Basil the Great was a real person! check it out!)

And then, not long ago, I was at Longwood Gardens, and I nearly fainted when I saw THIS – !I’d always known it – BUT THIS PROVES IT! 😉

So now I’m gonna move on to a couple gifs of The Baz, cause Basil always deserves some gifs, right!? (all by me!)
This is from a game show The Baz was in in 1952, waving at two ladies on the panel… oh, Basil, you unashamed little flirt you! 😀 (PINKY RING!)

So, I’m not the only one who adored this scene in The Pursuit to Algiers, right!? (um, Basil, I think your lady charmer is showing a little! What my family and I like to call – Puttin’ on the Baz!)

Death stare a la Basil Rathbone! Whoopee! (to borrow the old cliche, if looks could kill, I’d be dead right now! 🙂 )

Happy Birthday Hugh Fraser!


Hugh Fraser is 67 today!

The fantastic Hugh Fraser!

Ah, the good old disapproving smile! Something he does grandly in the Hercule Poirot movies! …and of course EVENING DRESS!

Sigh! If he wasn’t 67 and already married…! 😉


Okeydoke! I an now prepared to celebrate my head off today!

My New Guinea Pig


He’s unnamed as of yet. We originally tossed around the names Hugh, Bing, Harold, Sigfried, Gomer and Odin… but now we’ve narrowed it down to Bing, Harold, and Sigfried – though we’ve not been able to talk to my brother yet… we’ll have to see… I’m sorta leaning towards Harold… (you know, for Harold Finch 😀 )

Well, here’s some pictures of the little chap… and a spunky little chap he is!

Basil and Bruce


Just a simple little tribute to our dear Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce!

My Holmes and Watson – magnifique!

Great both modernized and set in the original time!

Now for two little behind the scenes pictures!

How could one possibly decide between these two?

And their grand sense of humor is a nice relief from the cares of the day!

Ah, my dear chaps, if only you knew how much I care!

Top five!


My top five favorite actors! (not necessarily entirely in order) I just didn’t feel like thinking today!

Number 1. Basil Rathbone, hands down! He’s classy, romantic, handsome, aristocratic, charismatic… and occasionally utterly ridiculous!

Number 2. Michael Emerson! Funny, quirky, unique, and ADORABLE, sometimes utterly creepy and sometimes a teddy bear!

Number 3. Leonard Nimoy! Good-looking, intriguing, charming, amusing, touching, extremely talented, and THE BEST SPOCK EVER!

Number 4. Benedict Cumberbatch! Enigmatic, convincing, trendy, attractive, amusing, and sports a really fantastic smile!

5. Hugh Fraser! Sweet, gentlemanly, affable, cute, dapper, and my mon ami, Captain Arthur Hastings!

Now for a random update on my feelings about POI being postponed because of the Vice Presidential Debate…


WHO REALLY CARES ABOUT A STUPID OLD VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE!!!!!??? Well…some people do.Perhaps for good reason.

Time to kiss the well-being of my emotions goodbye for another week!

Bad Code


Alright, so it’s time for my little review of Bad Code, the second episode of Person of Interest’s second season.

I LOVED IT! Need I say more? YES!

This was a great episode, introducing more fully our hero’s new “arch-enemy,” Root,  a brilliant, outwardly “nice,” and entirely creepy psychopath, like a twisted version of Mr. Finch, and scarily like consulting-criminal James Moriarty on Sherlock.


She’s bored with common people, what she calls “bad code,” and thinks she finds a sort of “kindred spirit” in Mr. Finch. Finch, on the other hand, is disgusted, and terrified, by her. I felt so bad for Mr. Finch.

And good heavens, what they put him through this episode! First off, he was forced to watch some guy get tortured, (after which he is very disturbed) then Root leaves the room, and he helps the guy escape, and the guy asks him all sorts of questions about The Machine, then Root comes back, the guy beats Root up (all the while Finch telling him to stop) and the guy turns, with Root’s gun, to shoot Finch. Now, at this moment my feelings are already fried, but that! It was too much! Then he actually pulled the trigger. My heart hit the floor and went through the ceiling at the same time! To my great relief, the gun WASN’T loaded, and Root had set the whole thing up to show Finch how bad this guy was and how they should join forces…. Finch wasn’t convinced. By this point Root found out that Reese was on her trail, so she drugged Finch (who still managed to leave a message for Reese) and they went off to the train station.





My heart was in my throat.

Then, Reese found the message and went after them. He, with a little help from Finch, found them in the station, and Root, true to her word that if Finch tried to get free, people would be hurt, pulled out her gun and aimed it at somebody. In a rush of running Reese and screaming people, Finch jumped out of his wheelchair and into Root, knocking her off balance and causing her to shoot, at we know not what! Then came this moment, as Root ran away.

Fortunately for my heart, Mr. Finch was not hit, and I was nearly jumping for joy as it seemed everything was going to work out!!!!!! Then Root called again…


Now, to mention just this, Reese had some great moments too, like these…




My reaction at the end of the episode…


But anyway, I guess you can see that I liked it a great deal. Kudo’s to POI season 2!