I’m bummed…


Yeah, so I’m not very happy today…I couldn’t sleep last night so I’m very tired…I can’t concentrate on any of my school…I have a cold, my throat hurts, and my ears ache…Church is probably going to be canceled tonight because of snow…And I’m none too happy about the election results…

I’ve tried the usual remedies…

Funny Michael Emerson gifs…
Basil Rathbone…Hugh Fraser…

Mark Gatiss…But it didn’t work…

What do I do now?
Yes…yes…I like that idea…that’s a good idea…Yep…don’t mind me while I bawl my eyes out…

OK…I’ll go to my room…

Top five!


My top five favorite actors! (not necessarily entirely in order) I just didn’t feel like thinking today!

Number 1. Basil Rathbone, hands down! He’s classy, romantic, handsome, aristocratic, charismatic… and occasionally utterly ridiculous!

Number 2. Michael Emerson! Funny, quirky, unique, and ADORABLE, sometimes utterly creepy and sometimes a teddy bear!

Number 3. Leonard Nimoy! Good-looking, intriguing, charming, amusing, touching, extremely talented, and THE BEST SPOCK EVER!

Number 4. Benedict Cumberbatch! Enigmatic, convincing, trendy, attractive, amusing, and sports a really fantastic smile!

5. Hugh Fraser! Sweet, gentlemanly, affable, cute, dapper, and my mon ami, Captain Arthur Hastings!

Now for a random update on my feelings about POI being postponed because of the Vice Presidential Debate…


WHO REALLY CARES ABOUT A STUPID OLD VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE!!!!!??? Well…some people do.Perhaps for good reason.

Time to kiss the well-being of my emotions goodbye for another week!

Happy Birthday Benedict Cumberbatch


To a great Sherlock!

With a great smile!

With great eyes!

With a great ‘wait, what?’ look!

Who can handle a scarf like no one else!

Who makes me laugh!Who makes me cry!

And who I can really identify with!


May your year be filled with blessing, And every day be full of joy.

God Bless you!