Happy Birthday Ronald Howard

When most of you think of Ronald Howard you probably think of Ron Howard, Opie Taylor, or some of the famous films that Ron Howard has directed. But that’s not the man I’m talking about. I’m talking about the little-known British actor Ronald Howard, son of Leslie Howard, to whom, you can see, he bore a striking resemblance. image5image4

I know Ronald Howard best for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes.tve8278-19541018-1029

Howard’s characterization is very much of its times – the 50’s. It’s amusing, funny, cute, and not very serious – but somehow, he is still in my top five of Holmes actors.tumblr_mjqxff8aLy1qhogc2o1_500

But anyway, this is my post to celebrate his birthday, may he rest in peace.


As a side note, my fellow Person of Interest fans, I would like to take half a moment to say – WHY ANOTHER 3 WEEK HIATUS!?!?!? I cannot take this again!!


Happy birthday, Ronald Howard!

Ronald “Wink” Howard, bless his heart, would have been 94 today! So here is a little birthday tribute to the dear man.

A young, handsome Ronald looking a lot like his daddy Leslie.

Ronald became my all time fashion hero when I first saw him in that stripped scarf and cloth cap.

In The Mother Hubbard Case, Howard as Sherlock Holmes brandishes a piece of poisoned fudge, suggesting that it go to the murderess’ pet parrot, instead of himself, and thus getting her to confess. Murderers are always softies for their pets.

Holmes holds up little Toni in The Case of the Baker Street Nursemaids, a young baby that has been delivered to him for safe keeping. Not even Sherlock Holmes can resist a cute kid!

In The Case of the Red-Headed League Holmes has a very refined and sophisticated method to tell if someone is alive or dead – *Poke* (click to see)

I’m not sure which episode this is from, but I believe it illustrates a point I’d like to make – Ronald Howard is by far the cutest Sherlock Holmes of all time! (click to see) Now take a look at the GIF again… your argument is entirely invalid.