Fun with Basil Rathbone


Aaaand their client gets murdered again

“How dare this stupid tie get messed up, it’s making one of my awesome vibes go flat.”

It’s like Holmes is thinking… “Assert that stupid point one more time and I burn a hole through you with my eyes.”

Sherlock Holmes fails at making small talk

And now for some non-Sherlockian Rathbone.








So next time you get in trouble for rolling your eyes you can just say “But MOM! I’m just pretending to be Basil Rathbone!”

Happy Birthday David Burke!

David Burke, although not my favorite Watson, is certainly one of the best, and, next to Nigel Bruce, is the most adorable.

Best. Photo. Ever.

He deserves an award for his facial expressions alone…

…I rest my case.

He is also extremely Canon, which makes me very happy.

May God bless you on your special day!

“Praise ye him…”


Psalms 148:3 “Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.”

                In this verse the sun, moon, and stars are specifically encouraged to praise God, and of course, He is worthy of all praise, but maybe we Christians are a little too ready to dismiss this verse as simply figurative.

               Based on discoveries by Isaac Newton, who was a creationist, a science has been created that studies the sound waves of the sun. Scientists who study these sound waves, with the help of computers, have actually found that the sun rings like a bell! And that the sun has so many frequencies that there are a couple million sounds ringing all at the same time!

                Truly the sun is praising the Lord! Scientists also know that the earth makes the same sort of sounds, and so does the moon, but each has their own song! So next time you read a verse like Psalm 148:3 don’t just scuff it off as figurative, because the sun, moon, and earth all have their own song of praise to God. Isn’t it time you join in…?


(Base of article from Letting God Create Your Day: The Sun Praises its Creator page 37, by Paul A. Bartz)

Pen and Ink Drawings


For the past few days, I have been trying to cultivate my pen and ink skills with the nice pens that my mommy got me for Christmas last year. Here they are, in order. I hope you enjoy!

Drawn after watching a Robin Hood movie in which Will Scarlet was a prominent feature.

Done simply for the fun of cute, cartoon Sherlocks! (Based on a Basil Rathbone posed shot)

When a face-palm just isn’t enough. I’ll let you guess why.  (Head-cannon Holmes and Watson)

The background is a passage fromThe Hound of the Baskervilles. (Head-Cannon again, maybe a little Peter Cushing.)

“I see friends shaking hands, saying ‘how do you do?’ they’re really saying ‘I love you.’ (Head-cannon with a little Brett and Hardwicke)

The East Wind

I wrote this in August, when my Grammy died. I’m posting it now, because my pastor recently died. I loved both of those people and they meant more to me and taught me more than anyone could ever know.

This morning I read over one of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, “His Last Bow,” which is, I think, perhaps my favorite, and I noticed some very profound words on the part of the great detective. Now remember, this is directly before WW1. I read:

                “There’s an east wind coming, Watson.”

                “I think not, Holmes. It is very warm.”

                “Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. There’s an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it’s God’s own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared.”

Think on that for a bit. No really, stop and think. Don’t read on unless you have taken a moment to think about what you just read. As I read I wondered, “Do I have anybody who is my one fixed point in my changing age?” As I considered my musing, for a moment I concluded “no.” Everyone and everything seemed to be changing and churning around me, and not particularly pleasantly mind you. But then a notion hit me. “Yes,” I do have a one fixed point in my changing age. God. It was a comforting thought. Not to be disrespectful, but it was sort of like it dawned on me, “Good old God! You are the one fixed point in a changing age.” Ah! What a truly miraculously comforting thought! To have a point, ever, ever fixed, regardless of how much might change around you! No matter if He is the only fixed point! He is the only real fixed point you need! All you must do is rely, and that’s the tough part. Really not just realize in word, “Yes, He is my fixed point,” but to begin to act and trust like you believe what you say to yourself, like you believe the truth.

Then I considered how much the rest of what Holmes said reminded me of the way I feel about my life at the moment, or that is, what has just happened in my life. There’s an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may wither before its blast. I have never before had to endure, or keep enduring, any of the things that have happened and begun to happen in and around me. It is colder, and more bitter, than I have ever had to go through before. I really felt, and sometimes feel, as if I might just go ahead and wither before its blast. But then again, I thought, but it’s God’s own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared. It’s true, my life right now, however cold and bitter it seems, and however much I feel like I might wither before its blast, is God’s own wind none the less, and I have the open choice to lie a cleaner, better, stronger person in the sunshine when the storm has passed. It might never completely pass of course, and probably won’t, these are only the shadow lands, to borrow another metaphor, but some day, I will lie a cleaner, better, stronger person in the sunshine of God, when the storm of this life has passed. I will hold on, however cold, however bitter, and not wither, not wither, looking to that day when I am a cleaner, better, stronger person, in the light of God, for my storm will have cleared.

Happy Birthday David Suchet!

I grew up listening to this gentleman as Aslan in Focus on the Family’s radio theater productions of Narnia, and now I have the pleasure of watching him as Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot.

This was the photo I always looked at while listening to him as Aslan, just trying to imagine what he looked like when he said the lines. I LOVE HIS VOICE! …

… And heavens, what a face.

And then of course, he is the perfect Hercule Poirot.

Happy birthday Mr. Suchet! And may God bless you on your special day!